Оставляю обратную связь по Movie Club. Отлично подходит формат викторин для проверки новых слов, которые следовало запомнить.
Также пересказ повествования хорошо помогает развитию памяти и запоминанию новых слов… в общем и целом формат уроков хорошо сбалансирован для такого клуба.
Учителя оставили о себе только положительные эмоции.
На этом у меня всё. Жду нового сезона :)
Movie club was one of the most interesting part of my education in Dive In. I suppose that it was a very substantial driver that helps to break my the language barrier.
Our teacher Valeria prepares useful and interesting tasks for each class based on plot. Moreover, we both discuss about movies and boost our vocabular. On one hand, I have learned new words and construction, on another hand I have learned to speak.
Hi, my name is Olga, I am hr and study English a long time ))) I have a lot of experiences with different types of lessons, and I really enjoyed participating in the movie club. It was fun and interesting for my language level. We trained to understand the language in cartoons, and it was cool and a lot of fun.
I've wanted to watch movies in English for a long time, but I couldn't get started. So, I was Happy to found out about the movie club!🤩
At first I thought i can not describe how grateful I am to English Dive In Movie Club, but then i realized that i can! The components of my enjoyment were simple and strong: fun and efficient way to learn and practice new vocabulary, nice game-based web-applications to memorize new words. And of course people!